c'vett tia


compassionate - curious - stubborn
emotional - reserved - reckless

name: c'vett tia
race: seeker of the sun miqo'te
age: 26
occupation: adventurer
aether colour: bright red
height: 5'2'' | 157cm
gender: cis male
pronouns: he | him
orientation: gay



+claws are semi-retractable, and he has large, sharp fangs+ears are larger than your average miqo'te+has a large, round bobtailed cat named bao

+does not like to be touched, especially with no warning+tail is large, thick and soft, and about as long as he is tall+does not know his birthdate, uses 12/31 when asked




+ i'm 27, and i'd feel most comfortable interacting with other adults!!+ i'm a horror fan, and i'm more than comfortable with dark themes and gore, but i ask it be handled respectfully and with clear communication, for both our sakes.+ c'vett's not a character where i'm seeking out shipping, nor is he easy to get close to. while these things may happen over time, please be respectful of this and please do not set out trying to get to a ship. i prefer things happen organically.+ while not new to RP, im a little rusty and new to the XIV scene, so by all means, let me know what you're looking for format-wise!!+ thank you for visiting my lil page here !! <3